death and continuance

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he taught me that both roles in a canoe are equally important, he taught me how to fish by paying attention to everything going on around me, and most of all he taught me to be totally honest:

William George Cobb ( one of my namesakes), who has now left us, is pictured below.  Here he is like when we last had some time together. Below,old version of himself, but still himself (he’s the one in the back of the first photo)

on monday when I was lighting candles with some friends for Vaclav Havel, I had a weird feeling that grandpa had a problem with his heart, but that isn’t why he died.  Anyway, it doesn’t matter, today when I was going to light more candles for Vaclave, for my friend Petra, I was thinking about Grandpa also because I had news that he probably wouldn’t live.

Here are pictures of all of our candles, as honestly I think that that he and Havel would have gotten along great, and actually both would probably want those candles to be really for all for us, here on earth.  They would probably also want us to pay attention to what is happening around us.

I took some snapshots of our candles together:

well, so here we are.  Maybe we can begin by when we speak to someone tomorrow, thinking  about who they are as a person for a while.

Both did that, I know Grandpa did, and I think Havel did as well.

I don’t believe in saying RIP, instead, let’s try and connect, by paying attention while we are here.

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